Hiking from hut to hut on the Nockberge-Trail
Offers-summer7 days - 6 onernight stays - 5 stages
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The Nockberge Trail in summer is long-distance hiking at its best: Mostly above the timberline, you hike along gentle ridges and "nockigen" (=round) peaks with extremely scenic views…
I will just be away for a moment: the little getaway package
Offers-summerIndividual hiking trip with 2 stages
I´ll just be away for a moment - book online
Are you stressed because the hectic pace of everyday life has you in its grip once again? And the next longer holiday is not yet in sight? Then we…
Hiking during the bloom of the alpine rose
Offers-summerIndividual hiking trip with 3 stages
Hiking during the bloom of the alpine rose - book online
Granted: Along the Nockberge-Trail, due to its altitude, the mountain spring does not really arrive until the end of May. However, the…
All beginnings are easy: the starter package
Offers-summerIndividual hiking trip with 2 stages
The starter package - book online
The magic of long-distance hiking: From one place to the next, in the rhythm of the landscape and far away from the hectic pace of everyday life! Long-distance…
The royal stage in easy style
Offers-summer6 days - 5 onernight stays - 4 stages
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Within just a few years, the Nockberge-Trail has become a true classic of long-distance alpine hiking. One of the reasons for this is the scenically outstanding daily stage from…
Thru Hiking – the whole Trail in one piece
Offers-summer10 days - 9 onernight stays - 8 stages
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The term "Thru Hiking" originated in the USA and describes the hiking of one of the great long-distance trails in one piece. "Thru Hiking" became a philosophy and has a special…
Trail Running at the Nockberge-Trail
Offers-summerIndividual Trail Running trip with 3 stages
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That`s the top of the top - Trail Running at the Nockberge-Trail. A Trail Run like it's supposed to be - a mountain run in the classic sense: On our three-day Trail Run through…
Green Spirit: Hiking environmentally friendly
Offers-summerHiking environmentally friendly
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Hiking the Nockberge-Trail is in itself the ideal form for sustainable travel: You have chosen a local destination without air travel, hike from one place to another using only your own…
Hiking and Wellness
Offers-summerIndividual hiking trip with 5 stages
Hiking and Wellness book online
Opposites attract each other! What has already achieved such great popularity on the Nockberge ski touring trail in winter under the promise of "wilderness and…